9 March 2021

3 Modern Ways to Learn the Art of Personal Finances

3 Modern Ways to Learn the Art of Personal Finances

Let’s face it; managing money is hard. Just as you might think you’ve gotten the hang of it, and things are looking up – it all comes crashing down. Whether it’s bad habits, a lack of know-how, heavy debt, the cost of living, unemployment, an unexpected expense or otherwise, a little education can go a long way.

These three modern platforms offer the basics of good money management, strategical planning, customized plans, life lessons and more, all wrapped up in a fun delivery, full of personality so that you don’t drift off to sleep during crucial lessons. Best of all – they won’t break the bank!


Podcasts are where it’s at in 2021! Rarely do we have the time to sit down and read, watch or attend sessions on something educational, let alone finance-related. We are all tired of sitting around the house and looking to move about as much as possible.

With that in mind, throw on a podcast while you commute, run errands, drive your kids to hockey practice, or pretend to listen to your significant-other run on about…whatever it was, I wasn’t paying attention. Here are the top personal finance blogs to help you get it together without putting you to sleep.

  • Afford Anything | Paula Prant will lead you through practical avenues of personal financing with a positive outlook. You might not be able to afford everything, but you will certainly be able to afford anything you deem worthy enough. Her blog approaches financial solutions based on the principles of these two questions,
  • How can we make smarter decisions about our money, time and life?
  • How can we align our daily behaviours and habits with the lifestyle wevalue most?


Her latest episodes include How Can I Reach FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) in 11 Years, The Two-Fund Investment Portfolio, and Should I Sell My $575,000 in Tesla Stock. Granted, we don’t all have money, let alone half a million, in any stock, but there are valuable principles to learn just the same. Not to mention she has great guests that are experts in all things finance and investment-related.

  • BiggerPockets Money | This podcast is hosted by Scott and Mindy, two parts of a larger team that makes up BiggerPockets. They focus on financial independence and investing in realty. “You’ll get tips for getting your financial house in order and actionable advice from guests who have been in your shoes – and found their way out.”


Their latest episodes include Finance Friday: Trading Debt for Cash Flow and Liquidity, Breaking the Taboo of Talking About Money with Friends, Family, and Bosses, and From Fired to FI (Financially Independent) Couple in 2 Years.

  • So Money | Farnoosh Torabi made her way out of $30 000 of debt, in her 20s, while working for $18/hour in the city of New York. In awe of the lack of “effective, fun or even digestible financial advice” for young people. This podcast is not only thoroughly enjoyable and relatable, but it’s also enlightening.

Her latest episodes include guests Stef Ziev (“She shares her strategies for helping clients overcome decision paralysis, overcome mental blocks and make choices aligned with their values.”), Fee Gentry (“Austin-based real estate agent and “agent for change,” focused on supporting female and Black investors navigate the real estate market successfully.”), and Trudi Lebron (“From more conscious day-to-day spending to making an impact – both inside and outside of work –diversity, equity and inclusion coach, shares actionable steps we can aspire to to pursue.”)



For those of us who need a little more visual content and time to ponder and digest information at our leisure, these personal finance blogs will give you all the advice you need and never knew you needed!

Let’s face it, you’ve probably watched everything on Netflix…and Prime…and so on. Why not ditch the tv and movies for a fun and educational read? Here are the leading DIY personal finance bloggers – and they’re Canadian!

  • Maple Money | Maple Money is focused on helping Canadians make money, invest their money, save, and spend their money with the goal of reaching financial freedom. It’s hosted by Tom Drake, a Financial Analyst for a major grocery retailer in Alberta, Canada. His blogs are divided into the four categories listed above, making the search for personalized solutions that much easier.


The latest posts include An Easy Way to Make Money Doing Odd Jobs, Mastering the Cash Envelope System, Bitcoin Investing Made Easy, and Is the 4% Rule Really a Safe Withdrawal Rate?

  • Canadian Couch Potato | A Canadian blog written by Dan Bortolotti, a portfolio manager and financial planner with PWL Capital in Toronto. His blog focuses on passive investing while covering the basics, financial planning, and behavioural finance.


The latest posts include Dude, Where’s My Distribution?, Dividends: Not As Tax-Friendly As You May Think, and Where Do Returns Come From?

  • Savy New Canadians | Written by financial expert Enoch Omololu, this blog encompasses “relevant personal financial information as it relates to money, investing, freedom from debt, frugal living, entrepreneurship, productivity, creating multiple streams of income, and much more.”


His latest articles include Best Savings Accounts in Canada in 2021, 5 Reasons to Delay Taking CPP Until Age 70, and What Are the Penalties for Filing Taxes Late in Canada.



Nope, not a typo! You can now opt for a good dose of YouTube if you prefer learning by watching instead of listening or reading. You are not alone in your financial experiences, and thankfully some of our millennial peers have taken to sharing their stories and successes via YouTube. Thankfully Forbes.com rounded up the winners. Here are their top recommendations for channels that advise on all things personal finance.

  • Whiteboard Finance | “Created and hosted by Marko Zlatic, WhiteBoard Finance was launched in October 2017, and has already gathered nearly 16 million total views.” Marko delivers an entertaining and easy-to-digest format that is highly educational. Thanks to the nature of the media, it is also extremely relatable, answering your most common questions.


His latest videos include Pay Off Mortgage Early or Invest (just under 12 minutes), How to Save for a House: Step by Step (10 minutes), and 7 Simple Financial Goals for 2021 (17 minutes).

  • RYAN SCRIBNER | Ryan “offers plenty of advice on how to cut your living expenses, earn extra money on the side, travel on the cheap, retire early, create passive income streams, and even start and manage a business.”


His recent videos include 10 Best Dividends Stocks to Buy in 2021, The Ultimate Retirement Guide, and How to Lease a Car with No Money Down.

  • NATE O’BRIEN | Nate’s take on financial advice highlights minimalism. He “has a large number of videos emphasizing minimalism, as well as investing and other personal finance topics. His About page says it all with a quote from Steve Jobs, ‘Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.


His recent videos include 5 Money Goals to Achieve in 2021, How I Save 50% On My Food Bill, and 5 Simple Habits to Save Money.

It is easier – and more enjoyable – than ever before to educate yourself in personal finance. Take back control of your financial situation. Not sure which avenue of learning will work best for you? Try them all out. You never know which personality will best suit your learning style, which method of education will work best for you, and you never know, you might end up bingeing them all and becoming an expert yourself!

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