24 January 2022

11 Easy Ways to Put More Money in Your Pocket Today

11 Easy Ways to Put More Money in Your Pocket Today

Who doesn’t want more money in their pockets? As the world continues to change each and every year, we often find ourselves looking for new and improved ways of saving money or earning more of it. Although saving money is easier said than done, it’s still possible to keep money in your pockets, even if you’re living paycheck to paycheck.

We understand just how difficult it can be to learn how to save money. This is especially true for those who don’t have the best spending habits. If you’ve found yourself in a situation where you’re looking for some great money tips, then you’ll want to continue reading below.

In the guide below, you’ll discover several helpful tips on how to lower your expenses and how to have more money in general. Here’s everything you need to know to start making those pockets fatter!


1. Make Lunch and Coffee at Home

If you work away from home, then there’s a good chance you stop to get coffee in the morning and grab lunch at the drive-thru during the afternoon. Although a few dollars here and there might not seem like it makes a big difference, these few dollars add up quickly. If you want to learn how much you spend each day on coffee and lunch, then start jotting down your spending totals for each day.

You can also add up these expenses for one day and multiple that number by how often you get coffee or eat out. The results might shock you. For this reason, it’s best to start making your lunch and coffee at home each day.

Invest in an inexpensive coffee pot that’ll brew fresh coffee for you right in your home. Purchase drinks and foods for lunch each day and bring your lunch with you. In the end, you’ll see the savings up add quickly.


2. Switch Phone Plans

Now it’s time to look at your current phone plan. Are there ways you can cut back to save? Contact your phone provider and ask about cheaper phone plans and what might work best for you.

For example, if you only use a certain amount of data each month, then you might be paying for data you don’t need. There might also be discounted plans catered towards senior citizens or members of the military. You should also consider contacting multiple phone companies to see what other phone plan options are available to you at a cheaper cost.


3. Cancel Unnecessary Subscriptions

How many subscriptions do you pay for each month? It’s beneficial to sit down and write out each expense. This will help you stay organized and prevent you from forgetting a subscription.

Are any of these subscriptions unnecessary? Think about what you truly need and what’s considered more of a luxury. For example, cable television and magazine subscriptions aren’t necessary.

Now is the time to start canceling unnecessary subscriptions. You can save hundreds of dollars each month by doing so. Once you’re in a more financially stable place, you can then add these subscriptions back.

If you’re looking for long-term ways to put more money in your pocket, however, then it’s time to come to terms with living without these luxuries.


4. Shop Around For Car Insurance

How much do you pay for car insurance each month? Compare this cost to friends and family members. Are they paying a lot less for the same type of coverage?

You’re not held down by your car insurance company and can always shop around for a cheaper price. To start, contact your car insurance company and ask about discounts. There might be some discounts you qualify for but are missing out on.

Some discounts that the company might offer are as follows: federal employee, good student, clean driving record, and more. If you can’t lower your car insurance premium through available discounts, then consider shopping around for a different car insurance company that offers the same type of coverage for a lower price.


5. Consolidate Your Loans

If you have multiple loans, then now is the time to consider consolidating them. What does it mean to consolidate your loans? Loan consolidation is when you take out one low-interest loan to pay off all of your current debt.

When you use your new loan to pay off all of your current loans, you’ll then only have one loan to pay each month with a low-interest rate. Doing this can help many people pay off their debt faster. It’s also beneficial to pay off high-interest loans first if you don’t choose to consolidate your loans.

You want to pay all of your loans back on time, but if you can pay more than the minimum payment on your high-interest loans, then do so.


6. Start Couponing

We’ve all heard of extreme couponing and the thought of becoming an extreme couponer might feel a bit overwhelming. Thankfully, you don’t have to be an extreme couponer to save money on each shopping trip. Many stores offer their own applications you can download on your phone.

On their apps, you’ll find many ways to save or clip coupons. You might also find coupons in the stores. Always be on the lookout for coupons and price drops when shopping.

It’s a great way to save money on each shopping trip and it can be as simple as downloading an app and scanning a barcode.


7. Figure Out Your Budget and Give Yourself an Allowance

If you haven’t already sat down and figured out your own budget, then you’ll want to do that now as well. Your budget is how much money you have leftover each month after you pay all of your expenses. Compare your income with your expenses to determine your monthly budget.

Don’t forget to include expenses like groceries, gas, and household expenses. Now that you know how much money you have each month, you’ll want to give yourself an allowance. Stick with this allowance each month so you know exactly how much you can spend and so you don’t overspend.


8. Track Your Spending

Tracking your spending is a crucial part of putting more money in your pocket. When you spend without tracking, you can easily overspend. You could also be losing money due to errors or fraudulent charges that go unnoticed.

Sign up for online access to your bank account and check it once a week, if not more. Make sure there are no errors and contact your bank if there are any charges you’re unsure of. Tracking your spending can also give you information regarding what you’re spending the most money on each month.

You can then use this information to help you decide where you need to cut back.


9. Refinance Your Mortgage

The largest expense you have is most likely your mortgage. When mortgage rates go down, you’ll be able to refinance your loan, which allows you to lower your interest rate. Before refinancing, make sure to do your homework.

Shop around for different mortgage rates and the different loan terms. When you refinance the right way, you can end up saving lots of money down the road.


10. Reduce Your Electricity Usage

Reducing your electricity usage can help you save money each month. There are many ways to reduce your energy bill. The first step to take is always shutting off lights and televisions when not in the room.

You can also invest in energy-saving appliances as well as energy-saving upgrades around the house. For example, solar panels will greatly reduce the amount of money you spend on electricity each month. Then, take the time to unplug any appliances not being used.

Even when they’re off, they’re still using energy by being plugged into an outlet.


11. Start a Side Hustle

If you want to put more money in your pockets by increasing your monthly revenue, then starting a side hustle is the way to do it. The greatest thing about side hustles is that you are your own boss. You can control your hours and how much money you make.

Not sure if a side hustle is right for you? There are many great options for side hustles, so there’s something for everyone. You can earn extra money by dog walking or pet sitting, you can tutor students, drive for a rideshare company, and much more!

Do some research and discover what all of your side hustle options are before choosing the right one for you.


Putting More Money in Your Pockets Is Possible

Right when you thought putting more money in your pocket was impossible, we’ve come to save the day! Use all of the helpful tips listed in this guide above to start saving and watch what you’re spending. When you find yourself in financial hardship, don’t panic.

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